发表日期: 1992-12-15
英文标题: Bacterial flagellar diversity and significance in pathogenesis.
中文标题: 细菌鞭毛的多样性及其在发病机制中的意义。
论文作者: Penn CW(1), Luke CJ.
英文摘要: Bacterial flagella are structurally diverse, ranging from the thoroughly investigated model examples found in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium to the more exotic sheathed flagella of, for example, Helicobacter pylori, and the complex multi-flagellin endoflagella found in many spirochaetes. We summarize some of the emerging structural and genetic findings relating to these more novel flagellar types, and outline their possible significance in the pathogenicity of some medically important bacteria.
中文摘要: 细菌鞭毛在结构上是多种多样的,从在大肠杆菌和鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中发现的经过彻底研究的模型实例到更具异国情调的鞭毛,例如幽门螺杆菌,以及在许多螺旋体中发现的复杂的多鞭毛蛋白内鞭毛。我们总结了一些与这些更新颖的鞭毛类型有关的新兴结构和遗传学发现,并概述了它们在某些医学上重要的细菌的致病性中的可能意义。
发表日期: 1992-12-10
英文标题: [How is stomach ulcer transmitted? Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori].
中文标题: [胃溃疡是如何传播的?幽门螺杆菌的流行病学]。
论文作者: Lindkvist P(1), Giesecke J.
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Kinetic properties of Helicobacter pylori urease compared with jack bean urease.
中文标题: 幽门螺杆菌脲酶与菜豆脲酶的动力学特性比较。
论文作者: Cesareo SD(1), Langton SR.
英文摘要: The urease proteins of the jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) and Helicobacter pylori are similar in molecular mass when separated by non-denaturing gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both having three main forms. The molecular mass of their major protein form is within the range 440-480 kDa with the other two lesser forms at 230-260 kDa and 660-740 kDa. These forms are all urease active; however, significant kinetic differences exist between the H. pylori and jack bean ureases. Jack bean urease has a single pH optimum at 7.4, whereas H. pylori urease has two pH optima of 4.6 and 8.2 in barbitone and phosphate buffers that were capable of spanning the pH range 3 to 10. The H. pylori Km was 0.6 mM at pH 4.6 and 1.0 mM at pH 8.2 in barbitone buffer, greater than 10.0 mM, and 1.1 mM respectively in phosphate buffer and also greater than 10.0 mM in Tris.HCl at pH 8.2. By comparison, the jack bean urease had a Km of 1.3 mM in Tris.HCl under our experimental conditions. The findings show that the urease activity of H. pylori was inhibited at the pH optimum of 4.6 in the phosphate buffer, but not in the barbitone buffer. This was shown to be due to competitive inhibition by the sodium and potassium ions in the phosphate buffer, not the phosphate ions as suggested earlier. Jack bean urease activity was similarly inhibited by phosphate buffer but again due to the effect of sodium and potassium ions.
中文摘要: 当通过非变性梯度聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离时,菜豆(Canavalia ensiformis)和幽门螺杆菌的脲酶蛋白在分子量上相似,两者都有三种主要形式。其主要蛋白质形式的分子量在440-480 kDa范围内,其他两种较小形式的分子量在230-260 kDa和660-740 kDa。这些形式都是脲酶活性的;然而,幽门螺杆菌和菜豆脲酶之间存在显着的动力学差异。。在巴比妥酮缓冲液中,幽门螺杆菌Km在pH 4.6时为0.6 mM,在pH 8.2时为1.0 mM,在磷酸盐缓冲液中分别大于10.0 mM和1.1 mM,在pH 8.2的Tris.HCl中也大于10.0 mM。相比之下,在我们的实验条件下,菜豆脲酶在Tris.HCl中的Km为1.3 mM。结果表明,在磷酸盐缓冲液中,幽门螺杆菌的脲酶活性在最适pH值为4.6时受到抑制,而在巴比妥缓冲液中则没有。这被证明是由于磷酸盐缓冲液中的钠离子和钾离子的竞争性抑制,而不是如前所述的磷酸盐离子。磷酸盐缓冲液同样抑制了菜豆脲酶的活性,但又是由于钠离子和钾离子的作用。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: DNA fingerprints of Helicobacter pylori before and after treatment with omeprazole.
中文标题: 奥美拉唑治疗前后幽门螺杆菌的DNA指纹图谱。
论文作者: Fraser AG(1), Bickley J, Owen RJ, Pounder RE.
英文摘要: AIMS: To test whether a hypoacidic environment may potentially "stress" Helicobacter pylori DNA, encouraging the emergence of strain variation.METHODS: This hypothesis was tested by inducing prolonged hypoacidity with omeprazole, a potent antisecretory drug. The genomic DNA of H pylori was studied by electrophoretic separation of restriction endonuclease fragments followed by rRNA gene hybridisation in seven patients infected with H pylori before and after treatment with omeprazole 20-40 mg daily for six to eight weeks. DNA was isolated and purified using the guanidium thiocyanate reagent method. DNA samples were digested with Hae III, electrophoresed, vacublotted, and hybridised using a biotinylated cDNA probe prepared from 16S and 23S rRNA from H pylori NCTC 11638. Isolates were compared using their ribopatterns (DNA fingerprints).RESULTS: A total of 26 isolates were obtained; all DNA isolates were cut by Hae III, which was the enzyme that gave the best resolved hybridisation patterns for analysis. No two patients harboured the same strain. The isolates from two patients showed evidence of subtypic variation; one patient had two distinct strains and four patients had their own indistinguishable strains before and after treatment with omeprazole. For each patient, the paired ribopatterns of H pylori DNA were not affected by treatment with omeprazole for six to eight weeks.CONCLUSION: The H pylori genome is relatively stable when exposed to the conditions of prolonged hypoacidity that result from treatment with omeprazole.
中文摘要: 目的:测试低酸性环境是否可能潜在地“应激”幽门螺杆菌DNA,从而鼓励菌株变异的出现。方法:通过用奥美拉唑(一种有效的抗分泌药物)诱导长时间的低酸度来检验这一假设。通过电泳分离限制性内切酶片段,然后进行rRNA基因杂交,研究了7名感染幽门螺杆菌的患者在每天20-40 mg奥美拉唑治疗6至8周前后的幽门螺杆菌基因组DNA。使用硫氰酸胍试剂法分离和纯化DNA。DNA样品用Hae III消化,电泳,真空印迹,并使用由幽门螺杆菌NCTC 11638的16S和23S rRNA制备的生物素化cDNA探针进行杂交。使用它们的核糖模式(DNA指纹)比较分离株。结果:共获得26株分离株;所有DNA分离株均被Hae III切割,Hae III是一种提供最佳解析杂交模式进行分析的酶。没有两名患者携带相同的菌株。来自两名患者的分离株显示出亚型变异的证据;在用奥美拉唑治疗前后,一名患者有两种不同的菌株,四名患者有自己无法区分的菌株。对于每位患者,用奥美拉唑治疗6至8周不会影响幽门螺杆菌DNA的配对核糖模式。结论:当暴露于奥美拉唑治疗引起的长期低酸度条件下时,幽门螺杆菌基因组相对稳定。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: [Clinical importance of Helicobacter pylori infections in childhood].
中文标题: [儿童幽门螺杆菌感染的临床重要性]。
论文作者: Radke M(1).
英文摘要: Within the last ten years an increasing number of Helicobacter pylori-related inflammatory gastroduodenal diseases in children has been reported. The aim of this paper is to describe the range of Helicobacter pylori infections in children including diagnosis and treatment by application of colloidal bismuth salts.
中文摘要: 在过去的十年中,已经报道了越来越多的儿童幽门螺杆菌相关的炎症性胃十二指肠疾病。本文的目的是描述儿童幽门螺杆菌感染的范围,包括胶体铋盐的诊断和治疗。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Attempt to reverse atrophic gastritis associated with common variable immunodeficiency.
中文标题: 试图逆转与常见可变免疫缺陷相关的萎缩性胃炎。
论文作者: Misbah SA, Chapel HM, Johnston BJ, Ali MH, Reed PI, O'Sullivan D.
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: An effective 'cure' for a chronic disease.
中文标题: 治疗慢性病的有效方法。
论文作者: Roberts J.
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 三种不同方法评估人牙菌斑中幽门螺杆菌(H.P.)的比较。
论文作者: D'Alessandro A(1), Seri S.
英文摘要: Helicobacter pylori (H.p.) is a microorganism involved in peptic ulcer disease. To clarify the role of human dental plaque as a reservoir of H.p. and to compare different methods of investigation the authors studied 20 patients, 17 males main age 56 +/- 12 and 3 females 52 +/- 7, gastro-duodenal H.p. positive. The trial was carried out by cultural, biochemical and microscopical plaque analysis. Cultural and microscopical method were H.p. positive in 80% patients, urease in 100%, alkaline phosphatase in 80%, gamma glutamyltransferase in 70%, nitrate in 70%. To minimize the possibility of false results in H.p. plaque analysis it is necessary to use the three methods simultaneously. Further trials both on human plaque and on food and beverages will be useful to clarify the role of H.p. in human pathology.
中文摘要: 幽门螺杆菌(H.p.)是一种与消化性溃疡疾病有关的微生物。为了阐明人类牙菌斑作为H.p.储库的作用,并比较不同的研究方法,作者研究了20名患者,其中17名男性主要年龄56+/-12岁,3名女性52+/-7岁,胃十二指肠H.p.阳性。该试验通过培养,生化和显微镜斑块分析进行。培养和显微镜检查结果显示,80%的患者H.p.阳性,100%的尿素酶,80%的碱性磷酸酶,70%的γ-谷氨酰转移酶,70%的硝酸盐。为了最大程度地减少H.p.菌斑分析中错误结果的可能性,有必要同时使用这三种方法。对人体斑块以及食物和饮料的进一步试验将有助于阐明H.p.在人类病理学中的作用。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Helicobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease: pathogenesis and host-parasite interaction.
中文标题: 幽门螺杆菌和胃十二指肠疾病:发病机制和宿主-寄生虫相互作用。
论文作者: Solnick JV(1), Tompkins LS.
英文摘要: Helicobacter pylori has been shown to be the cause of chronic active gastritis and the evidence that it is involved in the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer is compelling. Narrow host range, tissue specificity, and chronic inflammation are hallmarks of infection. The study of virulence determinants has just begun but it seems likely that urease, adhesins, cytotoxins, and mediators of inflammation will prove to be important.
中文摘要: 幽门螺杆菌已被证明是慢性活动性胃炎的病因,其参与消化性溃疡疾病和胃癌发展的证据令人信服。狭窄的宿主范围,组织特异性和慢性炎症是感染的标志。毒力决定因素的研究刚刚开始,但尿素酶,粘附素,细胞毒素和炎症介质似乎很重要。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Meta-analysis of the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori.
中文标题: 抗生素治疗根除幽门螺杆菌疗效的Meta分析。
论文作者: Chiba N(1), Rao BV, Rademaker JW, Hunt RH.
英文摘要: Despite numerous Helicobacter pylori treatment studies, the optimum regimen(s) for its eradication remain unclear. Our objective was to determine systematically which regimen(s) gave the best pooled eradication rates, by using meta-analysis methodology. A total of 27 studies were identified. Pooled eradication rates for single (18.6%), double (48.2%), and triple therapy (82.3%) were statistically highly different (p < 0.0005). Eradication rates with amoxicillin (23.0%) and bismuth compounds (19.6%) were equivalent. Combined treatment with bismuth+metronidazole was better than bismuth+amoxicillin (55.1% vs. 43.7%, p = 0.049). Triple therapy with bismuth+metronidazole+tetracycline gave a statistically higher eradication rate (94.1%) than bismuth+metronidazole+amoxicillin (73.1%, p < 0.0005). Despite increased side effects with multiple antibiotic regimens, patients tolerated these well, without significant drop-out. The combination of bismuth, metronidazole, and tetracycline gives the best eradication rate, but the optimal doses and duration of treatment have yet to be determined. Further studies are necessary to explore factors such as antibiotic resistance and drug compliance as important factors affecting antibiotic efficacy.
中文摘要: 尽管进行了许多幽门螺杆菌治疗研究,但根除幽门螺杆菌的最佳方案仍不清楚。我们的目标是通过使用荟萃分析方法系统地确定哪种方案的汇总根除率最佳。共确定了27项研究。单一疗法(18.6%)、双重疗法(48.2%)和三联疗法(82.3%)的汇总根除率差异有统计学意义(p<0.0005)。阿莫西林(23.0%)和铋化合物(19.6%)的根除率相当。铋+甲硝唑联合治疗优于铋+阿莫西林(55.1%比43.7%,p=0.049)。铋+甲硝唑+四环素三联疗法的根除率(94.1%)高于铋+甲硝唑+阿莫西林(73.1%,p<0.0005)。尽管多种抗生素治疗方案的副作用增加,但患者耐受性良好,没有明显的辍学。铋,甲硝唑和四环素的组合具有最佳的根除率,但最佳剂量和治疗持续时间尚未确定。需要进一步的研究来探索抗生素耐药性和药物依从性等因素,作为影响抗生素疗效的重要因素。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Advantage of use of DPM for 14C-urea breath test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori.
中文标题: 使用DPM进行14C-尿素呼气试验检测幽门螺杆菌的优势。
论文作者: Pathak CM, Panigrahi D, Bhasin DK, Rana SV, Malik AK, Mehta SK.
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 人和动物幽门螺杆菌尿素酶的纯化和表征。
论文作者: Turbett GR(1), Høj PB, Horne R, Mee BJ.
英文摘要: The urease enzymes of Helicobacter pylori, H. mustelae, H. felis, and H. nemestrinae have been purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography and characterized. The native urease enzymes of the four organisms were found to be almost identical, with a pI of 6.1 and molecular masses of 480 to 500 kDa, as determined by electrophoretic mobility in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. Transmission electron microscopy of the native urease showed it to be a molecule approximately 13 nm in diameter, with hexagonal symmetry. Denaturation studies indicated that each urease enzyme molecule was composed of two nonidentical subunits with molecular masses of approximately 64 and 30 kDa. The subunits were present in a 1:1 ratio, suggesting a hexameric stoichiometry for the native molecule. The predicted molecular mass of H. pylori urease, based on subunit molecular weight and stoichiometry, is 568 kDa. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the enzyme subunits from the four species revealed high levels of homology. The large subunits (UreB) were found to be 92 to 100% homologous, and the small subunits (UreA) were 75 to 95% homologous over the first 12 to 20 residues. The high degree of homology suggests a common ancestral origin and an important role for the urease enzymes of these organisms.
中文摘要: 幽门螺杆菌,H.mustelae,H.felis和H.nemestrinae的脲酶已通过亲和层析纯化至均一,并进行了表征。通过非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中的电泳迁移率测定,发现这四种生物的天然脲酶几乎相同,pI为6.1,分子量为480至500 kDa。天然脲酶的透射电子显微镜显示它是一个直径约13 nm的分子,具有六方对称性。变性研究表明,每个脲酶分子由两个不相同的亚基组成,分子量约为64和30 kDa。亚基以1:1的比例存在,表明天然分子的六聚体化学计量。基于亚基分子量和化学计量,幽门螺杆菌尿素酶的预测分子量为568 kDa。来自四个物种的酶亚基的N端氨基酸测序显示出高度的同源性。发现大亚基(UreB)具有92%至100%的同源性,而小亚基(UreB)在前12至20个残基上具有75%至95%的同源性。高度同源性表明这些生物的脲酶具有共同的祖先起源和重要作用。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 。
论文作者: Goossens H(1), Glupczynski Y, Burette A, Van den Borre C, DePrez C, Bodenmann J, Keller A, Butzler JP.
英文摘要: Commercially available complement fixation test reagents (Institute Virion Ltd., Rüschlikon, Zurich, Switzerland) available in package format were evaluated for the serodiagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. The assay was compared with bacterial culture and histological Giemsa stain of gastric biopsy specimens obtained from 930 patients of different ages and from different ethnic groups, with a variety of upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms. The prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values, respectively, were 35, 71, 90, 80, and 85% for Belgian patients aged 40 years or younger, 50, 81, 93, 92, and 83% for Belgian patients older than 40 years, and 83, 83, 79, 95, and 48% for Mediterranean patients. Using 645 serum specimens from 226 patients, we also evaluated the complement fixation test for its ability to monitor the eradication of H. pylori following antimicrobial therapy. Overall, H. pylori was eradicated from 122 patients while 104 patients remained infected with the organism. A significant decrease in antibody levels was observed 3 to 6 months after the end of therapy in the group of patients from whom H. pylori was eradicated.
中文摘要: 评估了以包装形式提供的市售补体结合测试试剂(Institute Virion Ltd.,Rüschlikon,Zurich,Switzerland)用于幽门螺杆菌感染的血清诊断。将该测定与从930名不同年龄和不同种族的患有各种上消化道症状的患者获得的胃活检标本的细菌培养和组织学吉姆萨染色进行比较。比利时40岁或以下患者的患病率,敏感性,特异性以及阳性和阴性预测值分别为35%,71%,90%,80%和85%,比利时患者的患病率,敏感性,特异性以及阳性和阴性预测值分别为50%,81%,93%,92%和83%40岁以上的患者,地中海患者分别为83%,83%,79%,95%和48%。使用来自226名患者的645份血清标本,我们还评估了补体结合试验监测抗菌治疗后根除幽门螺杆菌的能力。总体而言,122名患者根除了幽门螺杆菌,而104名患者仍然感染了该生物体。在根除幽门螺杆菌的患者组中,治疗结束后3至6个月观察到抗体水平显着降低。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Character and origin of vacuoles induced in mammalian cells by the cytotoxin of Helicobacter pylori.
中文标题: 。
论文作者: Catrenich CE(1), Chestnut MH.
英文摘要: Cytotoxic activity of culture supernates of Helicobacter pylori is manifested by vacuolation of mammalian cells in vitro. The formation and maturation of toxin-induced vacuoles in HeLa cells has been studied to examine the possibility that they are autophagosomal in nature. Observation by light microscopy revealed that vacuoles originate in a perinuclear position, increasing in number and size until cell degeneration and lysis occur after 48 h. Ultrastructural study of mature vacuoles indicated the presence of a bounding membrane with contents consisting of degenerate cytoplasmic components and acid phosphatase activity. Confocal fluorescence imaging demonstrated acridine orange accumulation in the vacuoles of toxin-treated cells, indicating an acidic intravacuolar pH. These features are characteristic of autophagosomes. In addition, the size of vacuoles in living, acridine orange-stained cells tended to be inversely proportional to fluorescence intensity. Fluid phase endocytic markers were observed only rarely within nascent vacuoles. Over the succeeding 24 h, labelling of most vacuoles with these dyes was observed. This, along with the observation of intravacuolar acid phosphatase activity, provides evidence that vacuoles communicate at some point during their development with endocytically derived compartments. These observations provide direct evidence for an autophagic origin of these structures.
中文摘要: 幽门螺杆菌培养上清液的细胞毒活性表现为体外哺乳动物细胞的空泡化。已经研究了HeLa细胞中毒素诱导的液泡的形成和成熟,以检查它们本质上是自噬体的可能性。光学显微镜观察显示,液泡起源于核周位置,数量和大小增加,直到48小时后发生细胞变性和裂解。成熟液泡的超微结构研究表明存在一个由变性细胞质成分和酸性磷酸酶活性组成的结合膜。共聚焦荧光成像显示吖啶橙在毒素处理的细胞的液泡中积累,表明酸性的肺泡内pH。这些特征是自噬体的特征。此外,活体吖啶橙染色细胞中液泡的大小往往与荧光强度成反比。在新生液泡中很少观察到液相内吞标记。在随后的24小时内,观察到用这些染料标记大多数液泡。这与观察到的肺泡内酸性磷酸酶活性一起,提供了证据表明液泡在发育过程中的某个时刻与内吞衍生的区室进行交流。这些观察结果为这些结构的自噬起源提供了直接证据。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 幽门螺杆菌相关性胃炎和胃溃疡。进行性上皮变性的连续性。
论文作者: Leung KM(1), Hui PK, Chan WY, Thomas TM.
英文摘要: One hundred forty-five consecutive gastric biopsy specimens showing colonization by Helicobacter pylori (HP) were studied. Biopsy specimens were obtained from patients with the following conditions: gastric ulcer (GU; 76), active chronic gastritis (ACG; 52), GU with duodenal ulcer (DU; 10), and ACG with DU (7). The mean age of the patients in the ACG group was 8.6 years less than the patients in the GU group. Helicobacter pylori colonization and HP-induced epithelial degeneration (ED) were quantified by a grading system (grades 0 to 6) comprising both focal and global scores for bacterial density (HP grade) and severity of ED (ED grade). The ED grade was directly proportional to the HP grade in all biopsy specimens. Gastric ulcer biopsy specimens were associated with higher HP grades: HP grade more than 5 in 25 cases (32.9%) and ED grade more than 5 in 18 cases (23.6%) of GU compared with similar respective scores in 9 cases (17.9%) and 2 cases (3.8%) of ACG. The difference was due primarily to a higher global score of bacterial density and higher focal score of ED in the GU biopsy specimens. These results support the hypothesis that HP-positive ACG and HP-positive GU are lesions within a single disease spectrum. Heavy HP colonization and severe HP-induced epithelial damage are predisposing factors in ulcerogenesis. Because HP-positive ACG is probably a preulcerative state, eradication of the bacteria in HP-positive ACG might prevent subsequent GU.
中文摘要: 研究了145个连续的胃活检标本,显示幽门螺杆菌(HP)定植。。ACG组患者的平均年龄比GU组患者低8.6岁。幽门螺杆菌定植和HP诱导的上皮变性(ED)通过分级系统(0至6级)进行定量,该分级系统包括细菌密度(HP级)和ED严重程度(ED级)的局灶性和全局评分。ED分级与所有活检标本中的HP分级成正比。胃溃疡活检标本与HP分级较高有关:GU中25例(32.9%)HP分级超过5级,18例(23.6%)ED分级超过5级,而ACG中9例(17.9%)和2例(3.8%)的评分相似。这种差异主要是由于GU活检标本中细菌密度的整体评分较高,ED的局灶评分较高。这些结果支持以下假设:HP阳性ACG和HP阳性GU是单一疾病谱内的病变。重度HP定植和严重的HP诱导的上皮损伤是溃疡发生的易感因素。由于HP阳性ACG可能是溃疡前状态,因此根除HP阳性ACG中的细菌可能会阻止随后的GU。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Modes of Helicobacter colonization and gastric epithelial damage.
中文标题: 螺杆菌定植和胃上皮损伤的模式。
论文作者: Chan WY(1), Hui PK, Leung KM, Thomas TM.
英文摘要: A total of 144 gastric biopsies colonized by Helicobacter-like organisms were studied under light and differential interference contrast microscopy for the modes of bacterial colonization. Biopsies were also graded for the degree of epithelial damage (epithelial-damage-grade: 0 to 6, in ascending order of severity) and density of Helicobacter-like organism (Helicobacter-grade: 0 to 6, in ascending order of bacterial density). Three modes of colonization were identified: free-in-mucus, surface-adhesion and intercellular colonization. Because light microscopy cannot definitely prove the presence of intracellular colonization, bacteria located between cells and below the apical cell border were counted together as intercellular colonization. Bacteria free-in-mucus were seen in all biopsies. Surface adhesion was seen in 50-87.9% of biopsies, without obvious correlation with the epithelial-damage- and Helicobacter-grades. The incidences of intercellular and intracellular colonization were directly proportional to the epithelial-damage- and Helicobacter-grades. Free-in-mucus as the predominant mode of colonization was mainly seen in biopsies with lower (1-3) epithelial-damage- and Helicobacter-grades. Conversely, biopsies with intercellular colonization as the predominant mode of colonization were mainly cases with higher (4-6) epithelial-damage- and Helicobacter-grades. In cases showing predominantly bacteria between cells, 69.2% had a gastric ulcer whereas only 38.8% of cases showing predominantly bacteria free-in-mucus showed ulceration (P < 0.01). These results indicate that Helicobacter-like organisms can invade and penetrate between epithelial cells. When free-in-mucus, Helicobacter-like organisms are less likely to induce epithelial damage. However, the more invasive modes of colonization (intercellular) were associated with severe epithelial damage and high Helicobacter density.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
中文摘要: 在光学和差分干涉对比显微镜下研究了144例由螺杆菌样生物定植的胃活检组织的细菌定植模式。活组织检查还根据上皮损伤程度(上皮损伤等级:0至6,按严重程度的升序)和螺杆菌样生物的密度(螺杆菌等级:0至6,按细菌密度的升序)进行分级。确定了三种定植模式:粘液游离,表面粘附和细胞间定植。由于光学显微镜不能明确证明细胞内定植的存在,因此位于细胞之间和顶端细胞边界下方的细菌被计为细胞间定植。在所有活检中均观察到粘液中无细菌。在50-87.9%的活组织检查中发现表面粘附,与上皮损伤和螺杆菌等级无明显相关性。细胞间和细胞内定植的发生率与上皮损伤和螺杆菌等级成正比。。相反,以细胞间定植为主要定植模式的活检主要是上皮损伤和螺杆菌等级较高(4-6)的病例。在细胞间以细菌为主的病例中,69.2%有胃溃疡,而粘液中以无细菌为主的病例中只有38.8%有溃疡(P<0.01)。这些结果表明,螺杆菌样生物可以侵入并穿透上皮细胞。当在粘液中游离时,螺杆菌样生物不太可能诱导上皮损伤。然而,更具侵袭性的定植模式(细胞间)与严重的上皮损伤和高螺杆菌密度有关。(摘要被截断为250字)
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Is there a place for antacids in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection?
中文标题: 抗酸剂在治疗幽门螺杆菌感染中有地位吗?
论文作者: Berstad K(1), Weberg R, Berstad A.
英文摘要: Two pilot studies were performed to determine whether aluminium-containing antacids may have a place in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. The urease activity of H. pylori is cytopathic to gastric epithelium, and inhibition of this enzyme may have therapeutic potential. In the first study 24 subjects, 12 of which were infected with H. pylori, were given 1 tablet of chewable aluminium hydroxide-containing antacids 10 min before a 14C-urea breath test. Gastric urease activity was suppressed by 33.3% (p = 0.02) in the H. pylori-positive subjects (none became negative) within 40 min after administration of the tablet. Gastric H. pylori infection can be effectively eradicated by triple regimens containing bismuth salts, tetracycline, and metronidazole. Owing to adverse effects of this treatment and concern for possible neurotoxicity of bismuth, a bismuth substitute is warranted. Hence, in the second study, 20 subjects infected with H. pylori were treated with 1 antacid tablet 4 times daily between meals, plus 500 mg oxytetracycline and 200 mg metronidazole 4 times daily with meals for 2 weeks. Individual H. pylori status was assessed by the 14C-urea breath test. Four weeks after cessation of treatment, H. pylori was eradicated in 45% (9 of 20) of the subjects (95% confidence interval, 23.1-68.5%). Thirty per cent (6 of 20) observed one or more adverse effect regarded as moderate or severe, of which loose stools and headache were the most common.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
中文摘要: 进行了两项初步研究,以确定含铝抗酸剂是否可用于治疗幽门螺杆菌感染。幽门螺杆菌的脲酶活性对胃上皮细胞有细胞病变,抑制这种酶可能具有治疗潜力。在第一项研究中,24名受试者(其中12名感染了幽门螺杆菌)在14C尿素呼气试验前10分钟服用1片含有抗酸剂的可咀嚼氢氧化铝。服用片剂后40分钟内,幽门螺杆菌阳性受试者的胃脲酶活性被抑制了33.3%(p=0.02)(无一例呈阴性)。含有铋盐,四环素和甲硝唑的三联方案可以有效根除胃幽门螺杆菌感染。由于这种治疗的不良反应以及对铋可能的神经毒性的担忧,有必要使用铋替代品。。通过14C-尿素呼气试验评估个体幽门螺杆菌状态。停止治疗四周后,45%(20/9)的受试者根除了幽门螺杆菌(95%置信区间,23.1-68.5%)。30%(20个中的6个)观察到一种或多种被认为是中度或重度的不良反应,其中大便松弛和头痛是最常见的。(摘要被截断为250字)
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Helicobacter pylori, gastritis, and peptic ulceration in the elderly.
中文标题: 老年人的幽门螺杆菌,胃炎和消化性溃疡。
论文作者: Wyatt JI(1), Shallcross TM, Crabtree JE, Heatley RV.
英文摘要: AIMS: To determine the histopathological types of gastritis, presence of H pylori, and of peptic ulceration in patients aged 70 and over, compared with younger adults.METHODS: Gastric antral and corpus biopsy specimens from 112 elderly patients were classified and graded histologically according to the Sydney system. Details of recent antibiotic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use were recorded. Eighty four of the patients were positive for H pylori IgG antibodies and parietal cell antibodies. The results were compared with those from a series of 124 adult patients aged under 60.RESULTS: H pylori were visible at histological examination in only 57 of 87 (65.5%) elderly patients with chronic gastritis (excluding "special forms") compared with 72 of 79 (91.1%) of the younger patients with gastritis (p < 0.0002). Severe atrophy of the corpus mucosa was significantly associated with absence of H pylori (p < 0.002), and was present in eight of 30 elderly patients with helicobacter negative gastritis. Other explanations for absence of H pylori include recent antibiotic intake, more intestinal metaplasia, and lower bacterial load in elderly patients (p < 0.05). Autoimmune gastritis and NSAID use did not seem to be relevant. Serodiagnosis showed reduced sensitivity (81%) in patients who were helicobacter positive histologically, but was positive in 14 of 23 (61%) with H pylori negative gastritis histologically, suggesting either current infection that had been missed or previous infection. Peptic ulceration was significantly associated with NSAID use, but not with H pylori in the elderly.CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of gastritis is different in the elderly, compared with younger adults, due to a significant group with chronic gastritis who are H pylori negative on histological examination. NSAID use, but not demonstration of H pylori (at histological examination) is associated with peptic ulceration in the elderly.
中文摘要: 目的:与年轻人相比,确定70岁及以上患者胃炎的组织病理学类型,幽门螺杆菌的存在和消化性溃疡的发生。方法:根据悉尼系统对112例老年患者的胃窦和胃体活检标本进行组织学分类和分级。记录了最近使用抗生素和非甾体抗炎药的详细信息。84名患者的幽门螺杆菌IgG抗体和壁细胞抗体呈阳性。结果:87例(65.5%)老年慢性胃炎(不包括“特殊形式”)患者中,只有57例(65.5%)在组织学检查中可见幽门螺杆菌,而79例(91.1%)年轻胃炎患者中有72例(91.1%)可见幽门螺杆菌(p<0.0002)。胃体粘膜严重萎缩与幽门螺杆菌缺乏显着相关(p<0.002),并且在30例老年幽门螺杆菌阴性胃炎患者中有8例存在。。自身免疫性胃炎和NSAID的使用似乎并不相关。血清诊断显示,组织学上幽门螺杆菌阳性的患者敏感性降低(81%),但组织学上幽门螺杆菌阴性胃炎的23例患者中有14例(61%)呈阳性,表明目前已错过感染或既往感染。消化性溃疡与NSAID的使用显着相关,但与老年人的幽门螺杆菌无关。结论:与年轻人相比,老年人的胃炎谱有所不同,因为有一组慢性胃炎患者在组织学检查中幽门螺杆菌阴性。NSAID的使用,但不是幽门螺杆菌的证明(在组织学检查中)与老年人的消化性溃疡有关。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 简短报告:奥美拉唑加抗生素组合根除甲硝唑耐药的幽门螺杆菌。
论文作者: Bell GD(1), Powell KU, Burridge SM, Spencer G, Bolton G, Purser K, Brooks S, Prosser S, Harrison G, Gant PW, et al.
英文摘要: Twenty-eight Helicobacter pylori-positive patients with metronidazole-resistant isolates and 25 with metronidazole-sensitive isolates were treated for 14 days with 40 mg omeprazole nocte plus 500 mg amoxycillin t.d.s. Eradication of H. pylori, defined as absence of the organism one month after cessation of treatment, was assessed using the [14C]urea breath test. The eradication rate in patients with metronidazole-resistant isolates was 14/28 (50%) while that in patients was metronidazole-sensitive isolates was 12/25 (48%). In contrast to these encouraging eradication rates, very poor results were obtained with a 7-day course of omeprazole (40 mg nocte) in combination with erythromycin ethylsuccinate (500 mg q.d.s.) and tripotassium dicitrato bismuthate tablets (120 mg q.d.s.). The latter eradication rates were 3/20 (15%) in patients taking erythromycin tablets and 3/19 (16%) in those taking a liquid formulation of erythromycin. All treatment regimens were well tolerated and all patients completed the prescribed course of therapy.
中文摘要: 用40 mg奥美拉唑nocte加500 mg阿莫西林t.d.s.治疗28例甲硝唑耐药分离株幽门螺杆菌阳性患者和25例甲硝唑敏感分离株幽门螺杆菌阳性患者14天。根除幽门螺杆菌(定义为停止治疗一个月后不存在该生物体)使用[14 C]尿素呼气试验进行评估。甲硝唑耐药菌株患者的根除率为14/28(50%),而甲硝唑敏感菌株患者的根除率为12/25(48%)。与这些令人鼓舞的根除率相反,奥美拉唑(40 mg nocte)联合琥珀酸乙酯红霉素(500 mg q.d.s.)和二柠檬酸铋三钾片(120 mg q.d.s.)治疗7天的效果非常差。服用红霉素片的患者后一种根除率为3/20(15%),服用红霉素液体制剂的患者后一种根除率为3/19(16%)。所有治疗方案耐受性良好,所有患者均完成了规定的疗程。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 氨在幽门螺杆菌感染引起的胃炎,高胃泌素血症和高胃蛋白酶原血症I发病机制中的作用。
论文作者: el Nujumi AM(1), Rowe PA, Dahill S, Dorrian CA, Neithercut WD, McColl KE.
英文摘要: Studies were performed in patients with and without renal failure to investigate the role of bacterial ammonia production in the pathogenesis of the mucosal abnormalities caused by Helicobacter pylori. The high rate of H pylori ammonia production in uraemic patients should accentuate any ammonia induced effects. The median (range) gastric juice ammonium concentration in the H pylori positive patients with renal failure was 19 mmol/l (II-43) compared with 5 mmol/l (1-11) in the H pylori positive patients without renal failure (p < 0.005). In the H pylori negative patients the values were 3 mmol/l (0.5-11) and 0.7 mmol/l (0.1-1.4) respectively in the patients with and without renal failure (p < 0.01). Despite the much higher ammonia production in the H pylori positive uraemic patients, the nature and severity of their gastritis was the same as that in the H pylori positive non-uraemic patients. The median (range) fasting serum gastrin concentration was raised in the uraemic patients compared with the non-uraemic patients but was similar in the uraemic patients with (95 pmol/l (52-333)) or without (114 pmol/l (47-533)) H pylori infection. The median (range) serum pepsinogen I concentration was also high in the uraemic compared with the non-uraemic patients and was significantly higher in uraemic patients with H pylori (352 ng/ml, range 280-653) than in those without H pylori infection (165 ng/ml, range 86-337) (p < 0.01). These findings indicate that the gastritis and hypergastrinaemia associated with H pylori infection are not the result of mucosal damage induced by the organism's ammonia production.
中文摘要: 对患有和不患有肾衰竭的患者进行了研究,以研究细菌氨产生在幽门螺杆菌引起的粘膜异常发病机制中的作用。尿毒症患者中幽门螺杆菌氨产生率高应加剧任何氨诱导的作用。幽门螺杆菌阳性肾衰竭患者胃液铵浓度中位数(范围)为19 mmol/l(II-43),而幽门螺杆菌阳性无肾衰竭患者胃液铵浓度中位数(范围)为5 mmol/l(1-11)(p<0.005)。在幽门螺杆菌阴性患者中,有和没有肾衰竭的患者的值分别为3 mmol/l(0.5-11)和0.7 mmol/l(0.1-1.4)(p<0.01)。尽管幽门螺杆菌阳性尿毒症患者的氨产量要高得多,但他们胃炎的性质和严重程度与幽门螺杆菌阳性非尿毒症患者相同。与非尿毒症患者相比,尿毒症患者的空腹血清胃泌素浓度中位数(范围)升高,但尿毒症患者(95 pmol/l(52-333))或无(114 pmol/l(47-533))幽门螺杆菌感染。尿毒症患者血清胃蛋白酶原I浓度中位数(范围)也高于非尿毒症患者,尿毒症患者幽门螺杆菌(352 ng/ml,范围280-653)明显高于未感染幽门螺杆菌(165 ng/ml,范围86-337)(p<0.01)。这些发现表明,与幽门螺杆菌感染相关的胃炎和高胃泌素血症不是由生物体产生的氨引起的粘膜损伤的结果。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Clotest (rapid urease test) in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection.
中文标题: Clotest(快速尿素酶试验)诊断幽门螺杆菌感染。
论文作者: Ng TM(1), Fock KM, Ho J, Tan AL, Chia SC, Yap CK, Chew CN, Chee EN.
英文摘要: Over a period of 3 months, 85 patients who underwent gastroscopy had antral biopsy taken for Clotest, histology and/or culture for Helicobacter pylori (HP). The sensitivity and specificity of Clotest were found to be 77% and 96% respectively with negative predictive value of 63% and positive predictive value of 98%. Ninety-two percent of the positive Clotests were positive within 20 minutes, thus giving rapid result. Therefore, Clotest is a rapid, sensitive and highly specific test for HP infection. A high correlation between HP infection and chronic gastritis was noted and the prevalence of HP infection in patients with duodenal ulcer (90%) was higher than that of gastric ulcer (64%) or non-ulcer group (65%).
中文摘要: 在3个月的时间里,85名接受胃镜检查的患者进行了胃窦活检,以进行凝块检查,组织学和/或幽门螺杆菌(HP)培养。Clotest的敏感性和特异性分别为77%和96%,阴性预测值为63%,阳性预测值为98%。92%的阳性凝块在20分钟内呈阳性,因此结果很快。因此,Clotest是一种快速,灵敏且高度特异的HP感染检测方法。。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastropathy--is it preventable?
中文标题: 非甾体抗炎药胃病——可以预防吗?
论文作者: Brooks PM(1), Yeomans ND.
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: [Frequency of Helicobacter pylori in chronic gastritis with endoscopically defined erosion].
中文标题: [幽门螺杆菌在内镜定义的慢性胃炎糜烂中的频率]。
论文作者: Masuda T(1), Sibuki S, Fukao A, Hisamichi S, Nagura H.
英文摘要: The frequency of Helicobacter pylori was histopathologically evaluated in biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa from 112 patients which endoscopically diagnosed as erosion. The specimens, histopathologically diagnosed as chronic gastritis, were divided into eight groups according to age, sex and location. The Helicobacter pylori infection was revealed in 65% of all specimens observed, and the frequency in patients of their sixties was lower than that of the forties. The frequency in the elder was the lowest in the transitional zone of the gastric mucosa. These findings indicate that the decrease in the frequency of Helicobacter pylori begins in the transitional zone and subsequently in the antrum.
中文摘要: 在112例内镜诊断为糜烂的患者的胃粘膜活检标本中,对幽门螺杆菌的频率进行了组织病理学评估。组织病理学诊断为慢性胃炎的标本根据年龄,性别和部位分为八组。在所有观察到的标本中,有65%显示出幽门螺杆菌感染,60多岁患者的频率低于40多岁患者。老年人的频率在胃粘膜过渡区最低。这些发现表明,幽门螺杆菌频率的下降始于过渡区,随后在胃窦。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
英文标题: PCR-based RFLP analysis of DNA sequence diversity in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori.
中文标题: 基于PCR的RFLP分析胃病原体幽门螺杆菌的DNA序列多样性。
论文作者: Akopyanz N(1), Bukanov NO, Westblom TU, Berg DE.
英文摘要: DNA sequence diversity among 60 independent isolates of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori was assessed by testing for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in several PCR-amplified gene segments. 18 Mbol and 27 HaeIII RFLPs were found in the 2.4 kb ureA-ureB (urease) segment from the 60 strains; this identified 44 separate groups, with each group containing one to four isolates. With one exception, each isolate not distinguished from the others by RFLPs in ureA-ureB was distinguished by Mbol digestion of the neighboring 1.7 kb ureC-ureD segment. The 1.5 kb flaA (flagellin) gene, which is not close to ure gene cluster, was also highly polymorphic. In contrast, isolates from initial and followup biopsies yielded identical restriction patterns in each of the three cases tested. The potential of this method for detecting population heterogeneity was tested by mixing DNAs from different strains before amplification: the arrays of restriction fragments obtained indicated co-amplification from both genomes in each of the five pairwise combinations tested. These results show that H. pylori is a very diverse species, that indicate PCR-based RFLP tests are almost as sensitive as arbitrary primer PCR (RAPD) tests, and suggest that such RFLP tests will be useful for direct analysis of H. pylori in biopsy and gastric juice specimens.
中文摘要: 通过测试几个PCR扩增的基因片段中的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),评估了60个独立的胃病原体幽门螺杆菌分离株的DNA序列多样性。在60株菌株的2.4 kb尿素-ureB(脲酶)片段中发现了18个Mbol和27个HaeIII RFLP;这确定了44个独立的组,每组包含一到四个分离株。除了一个例外,尿素ureB中未通过RFLP区分的每个分离物都通过相邻的1.7 kb尿素片段的Mbol消化来区分。与ure基因簇不接近的1.5 kb flaA(鞭毛蛋白)基因也具有高度多态性。相反,来自初始和随访活组织检查的分离株在测试的三个病例中的每一个中产生相同的限制性模式。通过在扩增前混合来自不同菌株的DNA来测试该方法检测群体异质性的潜力:获得的限制性片段阵列表明在所测试的五个成对组合中的每一个中来自两个基因组的共扩增。。
发表日期: 1992-12-01
中文标题: 人胃液中嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白和磷脂酶A2活性。重点是幽门螺杆菌的状况和抗酸剂的作用。
论文作者: Berstad K(1), Berstad A Jr, Sjödahl R, Weberg R, Berstad A.
英文摘要: To elucidate possible new effects of antacids, gastric juice from 15 volunteers with known Helicobacter pylori status were analysed for eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity, phosphatidylcholine (PC), and bile acids (BA) before and after administration of one tablet of antacid or placebo in a double blind cross-over design. Geometric mean ECP concentrations were more than 13 times higher in gastric juice from H. pylori-positive (12.9 micrograms/l) than from H. pylori-negative (0.97 micrograms/l) subjects (p = 0.0032). Geometric mean PLA2 activity was 1.31 U/l for the negative subjects and 4.02 U/l for the positive subjects (p = 0.13). There were no differences between positive and negative subjects with regard to either PC or BA concentration. Regardless of H. pylori status, mean PC concentration increased significantly after antacids as compared with placebo (p = 0.024). The effect of antacids did not differ significantly from placebo for ECP, PLA2 activity, or BA concentration. Hence, antacids may not act by binding 'toxic' H. pylori-associated gastric juice components like ECP or PLA2. Increased concentration of PC may indicate an increased protective capacity induced by antacids.
中文摘要: 为了阐明抗酸剂可能产生的新作用,对15名已知幽门螺杆菌状态的志愿者的胃液进行了嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)、磷脂酶A2(PLA2)活性、磷脂酰胆碱(PC)和胆汁酸(BA)的双盲交叉设计。幽门螺杆菌阳性(12.9微克/升)的胃液中的几何平均ECP浓度比幽门螺杆菌阴性(0.97微克/升)的受试者高13倍以上(p=0.0032)。阴性受试者的几何平均PLA2活性为1.31 U/l,阳性受试者为4.02 U/l(p=0.13)。在PC或BA浓度方面,阳性和阴性受试者之间没有差异。无论幽门螺杆菌状态如何,与安慰剂相比,抗酸剂后平均PC浓度显着增加(p=0.024)。抗酸剂对ECP,PLA2活性或BA浓度的影响与安慰剂没有显着差异。因此,抗酸剂可能不会通过结合“有毒”幽门螺杆菌相关的胃液成分(如ECP或PLA2)起作用。PC浓度的增加可能表明抗酸剂诱导的保护能力增加。